Bangalore Apartments’ Federation (BAF) was formed in 2014 (Registration No. SOR / GNR/ 02 / 2014-15) to represent and protect the interests of Apartments & Resident Welfare Associations across Bangalore. BAF is a Federation of Apartment Owners’ Associations (AOA) and Residents’ Welfare Associations (RWA) in Bangalore. All AOAs and RWAs in Bangalore can become Members of the Federation! We currently have 1235 Apartment Owners’ Associations, spread across Bangalore, as our members and are continuously expanding our membership base. Use Use this link see the list of Apartment Associations who are members of BAF. BAF has a Governing Council comprising passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, who manage the day-to-day affairs of the Federation. Use this link to see the list of Governing Council Members of BAF. BAF has also put a Cluster Councils in place comprising eminent people from diverse walks of life, who guide us in our initiatives. Use Use this link to see the Cluster Councils of BAF.
Bangalore Apartments’ Federation (BAF) was formed in 2014 (Registration No. SOR / GNR/ 02 / 2014-15) to represent and protect the interests of Apartments & Resident Welfare Associations across Bangalore. BAF is a Federation of Apartment Owners’ Associations (AOA) and Residents’ Welfare Associations (RWA) in Bangalore. All AOAs and RWAs in Bangalore can become Members of the Federation! We currently have 1235 Apartment Owners’ Associations, spread across Bangalore, as our members and are continuously expanding our membership base. Use Use this link see the list of Apartment Associations who are members of BAF. BAF has a Governing Council comprising passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, who manage the day-to-day affairs of the Federation. Use this link to see the list of Governing Council Members of BAF. BAF has also put a Cluster Councils in place comprising eminent people from diverse walks of life, who guide us in our initiatives. Use Use this link to see the Cluster Councils of BAF. | | | |
+91 99003 95000 |